Bringing savings to
Enterprise device deployments
With a multiplatform solution

Diagnose - Repair - Deploy - Reuse

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Diagnostic Testing
Compliance assurance
data eraser
Efficient automation
and customization tests
Reliability, accurate
diagnostic reports


  • Faster Processing sys ep win tl utomate, ery ey lcs ons etermine device value QUIK sa operators can process devices foster

  • Customized Testing crest custom tests tet gue operators o sort each Govice scoring to you poles and eduiements

  • Device History reports Trac deces diagnos history and understand heigh

  • Secure erasure methods securely erase 105, Android and most Windows and BlackBerry devices.

  • Testing across all portable devices support and diagnostic compatab es for Andra, 05, Windows, Mac 05, and Chrome 05.

Request A Demo For diagnostice And Data Erasure For EnterPrise Solutions

With 20+ diagnostics tests and automated testing, you can make your business more profitable, effi- cient and secure.
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